Welcome to the website of the 18th Century Material Culture Resource Center. This little project of our's was created to serve the community as a reference library for the study of everyday objects used by the inhabitants of North America, her mother country, England, and those countries of Continental Europe who, in one way or another, had an impact on the 13 British Colonies in North America between the years 1600 to 1785.
The material presented within this "Virtual Encyclopedia" is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only. We have not received any financial gain by this endeavor. We are greatful to the countless museums, libraries, auction houses, and private collectors from around the world for making their material publicly available so that we could categorize it and present it to you within our slideshows. THESE SLIDESHOWS ARE LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. We have done our best to credit each of these wonderful institutions as best as we possible can, but if you find an error in any listing please let us know. Please support these resources by paying them a visit in person or online. After all, in order to truly appreciate an original artifact, you really need to examine it in the "flesh". We here at the 18th Century Material Culture Resource Center are also tremendously grateful to our many personal friends and colleagues in the History / Living History Community who have shared with us their wonderful research and ideas over the years to make all of this possible.
We hope you enjoy your virtual 18th Century experience with us. We are constantly adding new information to this site so please come back often. If you would like to drop us a line, please do so by visiting our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you.
Thanks for your support!
Beaker & The Gang
Contact Us or Follow Us on FACEBOOK !

I teach History, Government, and Economics in Arizona. This weekend I did a presentation at our annual state Social Studies Conference on 18th century "primary sources" for the classroom and included your Facebook site in my presentation. I showed them the incredible collection of images that you have put together and I hope some of my colleagues will help push you over the 3,000 likes! Great materials! As I review the numerous posts I feel I am back in a time where I belong.....but then reality! Thanks again!
L.D. Dexter

This site is dedicated to the memory of George C. Neuman who passed away on April 14, 2014. Historian, collector of military arms and accoutrements, member and voice of the Brigade of the American Revolution for so many wonderful years, and author of countless books related to the weapons of the American Revolution, George was a true gentleman and mentor to those of us at the 18th Century Material Culture Resource Center. His passion for history and the artifacts that shaped the birth of these United States greatly influenced our outlook on "Authentic" material culture when we were very young. Having memorized his "Collector's Encyclopedia of the American Revolution" co-written with Frank Kravic and illustrated by the unforgettable George Woodbridge by the time we were 17 years old, George gave us our first introduction to research in a day and age when research wasn't as easy and as accessible it is today. We can still hear him bellowing out the advancement of the 2nd Rhode Island Regiment at our first Brigade event in Springfield, New Jersey, in 1980. Altough we only knew you casually, George, we thank you for the inspiration you gave us. May you rest in peace.

Thank you again for everything you do! And I have to say having people walking up to me at an event saying "you're the girl that was shown on the resource page" was kinda cool although terrifying at the same time.
Jennifer Wilbur
3rd NJ Regt., Captain Bloomfield's Co.